Free Initial Consultation
Schedule your consultation meeting for a phone call, video meeting, or in person. We discuss risk factors & safety measures taken, insurance and payment plans, and what homebirth looks like with us. We spend 30-45 minutes answering your questions and verifying that we are a good match for care.
Free Pregnancy Testing
Full Prenatal Care
Ordering Lab Work
Childbirth Education
Initial Newborn Care
Postpartum Care
Breastfeeding Support
Lending Library
Nutritional Counseling
Placenta Services
Your prenatal care should begin as soon as you realize you may be pregnant and routine visits with the midwife begin at about 10-12 weeks with an appointment every 4 weeks. Once you reach 28 weeks, your appointments will come every 2 weeks, and at 36 weeks, you will meet with the midwife every week until delivery. Appointments are scheduled in your home and in our office.
Prenatal care will include regular prenatal appointments which lasts 45-60 minutes, to check vital signs of mom and baby, routine labs, and exams, such as measuring the uterus and determining positioning. The goal is to keep mom and baby healthy. This is a team effort. Good nutrition, exercise, and utilizing other preventative measures are essential for maintaining good health for both mom and baby.
We value your time and try to use our appointment time wisely with you - there will be plenty of time for you and your family to discuss any and all questions or concerns with your Midwife. Your prenatal visits are focused on preparing you and your family for your baby’s birth and welcoming your new baby. This may include childbirth education and/or referrals to other care providers (chiropractic, acupuncture, fear-release counseling, etc.)
Since the goal is to provide the highest quality of care and ensure healthy mothers and babies, Midwives are experts at identifying potential risks and complications. If an issue arises that is outside of normal, you will be referred to an obstetrician for consultation or appropriate care. Remember, during your pregnancy, your Midwife will always be available to you by phone if you have any urgent concerns.
Previous Client Birth Stories
healing vbac homebirth
Birth In Awareness Homebirth and Midwifery Services, Inc. is the culmination of many years of being involved in Birth Work as a Doula, Childbirth Educator, HypnoBirthing Instructor, Prenatal Massage Therapist. In 1998, I began my journey as a Certified Doula and am honored to have taken my passion to its pinnacle. Now as a Licensed Midwife, Certified Professional Midwife, Certified Childbirth Educator, and Certified Naturopath, I serve childbearing women and their families in the greater Central Florida area. Over the years of my involvement in birth, I have been blessed to have attended over 500 births, and have delivered close to 100 of them!
I am the mother of five amazing people, each of whom is uniquely wonderful and different. I am also the loving grandmother (MaeMae) of two sweet boys and 3 adorable girls. I have always believed that birth is a normal, natural function and that babies know how to be born! I named by business “Birth In Awareness” because of the awareness that develops between Mom and baby, between family and baby, the awareness of the baby itself of its surroundings and the awareness that a woman has of her growing baby and her own development from woman to mother. As a woman who birthed all 5 children with no interventions, I have a sensitivity of the birthing process to help guide families through this beautiful process.
First time mom
Birth In Awareness Homebirth and Midwifery Services, Inc. is the culmination of many years of being involved in Birth Work as a Doula, Childbirth Educator, HypnoBirthing Instructor, Prenatal Massage Therapist. In 1998, I began my journey as a Certified Doula and am honored to have taken my passion to its pinnacle. Now as a Licensed Midwife, Certified Professional Midwife, Certified Childbirth Educator, and Certified Naturopath, I serve childbearing women and their families in the greater Central Florida area. Over the years of my involvement in birth, I have been blessed to have attended over 500 births, and have delivered close to 100 of them!
I am the mother of five amazing people, each of whom is uniquely wonderful and different. I am also the loving grandmother (MaeMae) of two sweet boys and 3 adorable girls. I have always believed that birth is a normal, natural function and that babies know how to be born! I named by business “Birth In Awareness” because of the awareness that develops between Mom and baby, between family and baby, the awareness of the baby itself of its surroundings and the awareness that a woman has of her growing baby and her own development from woman to mother. As a woman who birthed all 5 children with no interventions, I have a sensitivity of the birthing process to help guide families through this beautiful process.
healing vbac homebirth
Birth In Awareness Homebirth and Midwifery Services, Inc. is the culmination of many years of being involved in Birth Work as a Doula, Childbirth Educator, HypnoBirthing Instructor, Prenatal Massage Therapist. In 1998, I began my journey as a Certified Doula and am honored to have taken my passion to its pinnacle. Now as a Licensed Midwife, Certified Professional Midwife, Certified Childbirth Educator, and Certified Naturopath, I serve childbearing women and their families in the greater Central Florida area. Over the years of my involvement in birth, I have been blessed to have attended over 500 births, and have delivered close to 100 of them!
I am the mother of five amazing people, each of whom is uniquely wonderful and different. I am also the loving grandmother (MaeMae) of two sweet boys and 3 adorable girls. I have always believed that birth is a normal, natural function and that babies know how to be born! I named by business “Birth In Awareness” because of the awareness that develops between Mom and baby, between family and baby, the awareness of the baby itself of its surroundings and the awareness that a woman has of her growing baby and her own development from woman to mother. As a woman who birthed all 5 children with no interventions, I have a sensitivity of the birthing process to help guide families through this beautiful process.